“Patrick Lencioni’s combination of homey management truths and simple prose has struck a chord with business leaders tired of jargon and complicated strategic models.”
—The Wall Street Journal
“This book reflects so much of what I love about Patrick’s insights; thought provoking, challenging of the accepted, simple but not simplistic, and highly practical. It should be a primer for leaders at all levels—not just CEOs.”
—Colleen C. Barrett, president Southwest Airlines Co.
Category: People
Rating: 5 Stars
Who should read this book: Growth focused business owners, managers and leaders, executive and leadership development teams and entrepreneurs.
When this book was published ten years ago, The Five Temptations of a CEO was like no other business book that came before. Highly sought-after management consultant Patrick Lencioni deftly told the tale of a young CEO who, facing his first annual board review, knows he is failing, but doesn’t know why.
Refreshingly original and utterly compelling, this razor-sharp novelette plus self-assessment (written to be read in one sitting) serves as a timeless and potent reminder that success as a leader can come down to practicing a few simple behaviours. Behaviours that are painfully difficult for each of us to master.
Any executive can learn how to recognize the mistakes that leaders can make and how to avoid them. The lessons of The Five Temptations of a CEO, are as relevant today as ever.
CEO’s face 5 major temptations:
- Focusing on status over results.
- Focusing on popularity over accountability.
- Focusing on certainty over clarity.
- Focusing on harmony over productivity.
- Focusing on invulnerability over trust.
- Focus on results always, even after desired status is achieved.
- Prioritize accountability that includes expectations and consequences.
- Make decisions and forge a clear path.
- Value healthy conflict that leads to better results.
- Invite feedback instead of pretending to be perfect.
- Don’t be afraid to be unpopular.
- Give more trust.