Create results 10 times, or even 100 times, faster…
with a “Who” that can free up thousands of your hours.
When you ask “Who?” you can create results infinitely faster than if you ask “How?”
Experience a bigger and more powerful future in a very simple way.
Stop asking yourself, “How can I do this?” and instead, ask a much better question, “Who can help me achieve this?”
An Example of “Who, Not How” in Action
In his must-read book: “Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork” Dan Sullivan explains this concept using the story of Paul Heiss, the founder and president of IBCC Industries, a metal-casting company based in China.
Paul found himself in a major crisis after China increased the tariff on aluminium scrap by 25 percent. Overnight IBCC’s costs skyrocketed.
To remain competitive with other companies, Paul decided to move his company to India – and fast. But he had no staff or experience in India!
Initially, Paul’s questions to himself were “How” related:
- How do we start manufacturing in India?
- How and where would we build the manufacturing plants?
- How do I find good suppliers of scrap steel in India?
Paul quickly realised that he was asking the wrong questions. He needed a “Who”, not a “How”.
Time was of the essence, and he was committed to getting the best possible result. So, he asked better questions:
- Who can help me start manufacturing in India?
- Who can help us find the right lots on which to build these plants?
- Who can supply us with good scrap steel in India?
In every case, when Paul reframed those questions to “Who” could do these things, his answers came and his problems were solved. All in a fraction of the time and cost it would have taken him to do himself.
By trusting his “Who”s to get the job done, Paul was able to get up and running in a different country at a blistering pace. His company was fully operational in India in only 5 months.
By December 2019, just 18 months after the 2018 tariff went into effect, IBCC Industries was producing more than $20 million in revenue through its factories in India. This was almost 25 percent of the company’s total revenue.
This is a great example of how seeing “Who”s as an investment, rather than a cost, can rapidly increase your income, revenue and overall potential. This goes personally as well as professionally.
How “Who, Not How” is Making My Own Business Grow
The “Who Not How” philosophy led me to change my coaching business significantly.
After years of insisting on doing everything myself and ending up overextended and exhausted, I recently hired a “Strategic Assistant/Chief of Staff”. This has enabled me to speed up the growth of my business significantly in just a short period of time.
I have also added some other key “Who”s to assist in this growth, leading to the establishment of a SUGP coaching practice in Western Australia.
Now that I have more time to focus on key priorities, the business can grow and move forward.
Succeed in Every Aspect of Your Life by Asking “Who” not “How”
Transformational leaders invest in their “Who”s.
They challenge them, assist them in clearly seeing their vision, and ultimately, get their “Who”s just as inspired and committed as they are.
This allows the leader to free up their time, so they can focus on higher-impact activities that will dramatically increase their growth.
A key to understanding the “Who Not How” philosophy is to grasp that other people are more than capable enough to handle much of the “How”s.
Your efforts and contribution (your “How”s) should be focused solely on where your greatest impact lies.
Your ability to succeed in every aspect of life is much more contingent on “Who”s – not “How”s. Focus on “Who” you work with – not “How” you achieve your goals.
You will then notice every level of accomplishment, and thus freedom, will dramatically expand in all key areas: time, money, relationships, and purpose.
If you would like help to Scale & Grow your business faster book a free strategy session here.