7 lessons to help you ‘play nice, but win’
“As you start your journey, the first thing you should do is throw
away that store-bought map and begin to draw your own.”
– Michael Dell
Michael Dell is the founder and CEO of Dell Technologies.
With revenues of $94 billion and 158,000 team members, Dell Technologies is one of the world’s largest and most successful companies.
Dell’s achievements over the years will definitely make the entrepreneur inside you wonder how achieving such feats is even possible.
Here are 7 leadership lessons you can learn from this amazing and inspiring leader:
- Optimism
Leaders set the tone for their organisation.
If leadership isn’t optimistic about facing challenges, their workforce won’t be either. People follow optimism, not cynicism. While remaining realistic, always be optimistic about your people, their potential and the future – even in challenging times.
- Humility
Humility actually predicts effective leadership.
This is not a quality that often comes to mind when thinking about leaders, but maybe it should be. Be confident in your ability to get things done, but temper that confidence with the knowledge that comes from experience. There is value in realising you’re not always right or the smartest person in the room.
- Drive
Drive is always a component of the leadership style of the most successful business owners.
Recognise that ambition, energy and grit are rare and difficult to coach. Cultivate these qualities in yourself and others, but bound that ambition with the strong desire to do the right thing.
- Vision
Trust your vision enough to take calculated risks that could result in big wins.
Carefully define success. Be relentless about communicating that vision in terms that are simple and compelling. Know that why you’re achieving something is as important as what you want to achieve.
- Selflessness
Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
Having empathy requires the ability to temporarily let go of your sense of self. Care about the effect your leadership has on the people you lead. Invest in them, develop them, and do all you can to achieve their aspirations.
- Judgement
Winning leaders make the right call more often than not.
Once a leader has demonstrated good judgement, it’s much easier for their employees and customers to trust them. When faced with conflicting interests, place those of your customers, the company and your people above your own.
- Relationships
Great leaders are able to bring out the best from very diverse teams.
Work hard to build partnerships of trust in all of your endeavours. Strong relationships bring not only great business success, but great personal fulfilment.
Do you have any other leadership Insights like this one? Please reply to this email if you have, as we would love to share them.
Best Wishes,
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Jonathan Herps
CEO & Chief Advisor
+61 (0)408 748 980