Hint: it will make or break your business success…
Why do some entrepreneurs find it easy to grow their business and keep going no matter what, whilst others struggle and give in?
This is the sort of thing I think about, and analyse, a lot.
If there are two companies offering similar products or services and in similar towns or cities, why is that one of them grows relatively quick and painlessly, whilst the other one stalls and stays at the same turnover levels year after year?
They might have similar staffing levels, similar amounts to spend on marketing and similar energy levels. However, only one of them sees the growth that they desire. Why?
In my analysis, one thing stands out more than others.
The CEO or business owner’s vision, whether that be a personal or a business one, which is linked to the growth that he or she wants to see.
And that vision is crystal clear.
Why does this matter? At many points, your resolve is going to be tested. When this happens, you need to have a vision in place to ensure that you get past this obstacle. Otherwise, you might give up and decide that it is easier not to bother.
“Why bother changing if it is too much like work.
I will just stay where I am. I am doing OK.
I see people doing a lot worse, so why not just stay here.”
This is what someone without a vision will say and do. So, they stay exactly where they are, day after day, month after month and year after year.
I know because I have seen it so many times.
However, someone who has a vision that is linked to their growth plans says:
“Right, enough wallowing. I have to find a way around this.
I won’t let one small obstacle stop me. Blow that,
I won’t let any obstacle stop me! It is too important to me.”
Guess what? They find an answer to that problem, and the next one, and the next one until they arrive where they wanted to be.
What’s your vision that keeps you going?
If you don’t have one, isn’t it time that you did?
Anyone joining me on at my 10X Business Growth Mastermind will know why they are doing what they are doing. I will make sure of it.
The Mastermind is about you and your growth and your businesses growth. You decide on your most important goals and on your game plan. We provide the structure, tools, and support that give you a new perspective on your business and a fresh way of thinking – and keep you on track to turn your goals into reality.
Here’s how that happens…
Your workshops with your coach and a community of like-minded peers are a rare opportunity to get outside the day-to-day of your business to a place where big ambitions and dreams are normal.
At each workshop, you’ll have plenty of time to focus on and strategize what’s most pressing in your business right now – and get objective feedback from your coach and the other successful entrepreneurs in your group. Fresh perspectives and breakthrough insights are inevitable, making it a mind-stretching, exhilarating day.
At the end of the workshop, you’ll leave armed with new thinking and tools PLUS a plan with prioritized, concrete action steps to share with your team. New ideas are energizing, no doubt, but it’s the clarity about the action steps needed that gets things done.
And every month you will work 1:1 with your coach to build your implementation plan for your team and business.
Workshop by workshop, you change the way you do things, the way you think, and the way you see yourself and your business. Your results improve, your freedom increases, and your opportunities expand.
You’re setting up all the right conditions for exponential growth and expanding freedom as an entrepreneur.
I invite you to schedule a no-obligation call to discover more about how the Mastermind works and whether it is right for you now.
Spaces in the Mastermind are limited and are taken on a first come, first served basis.
Shoot me a DM at 0408 748 980 or hit Reply and let me know. Or,
book here:
I look forward to speaking with you.
Kindest Regards